How do most people use Columbia Pike Laundry?
No matter how you use it, a delivery laundry service helps everyone lighten the load. See where you find your sweet spot. Wherever it is, we’ve got a spot for you.

Columbia Pike Laundry takes care of three-quarters of my family’s laundry on a weekly basis. We have a washer & dryer at home for the small stuff that is always needed like the kid’s school uniforms and soccer jerseys. The weekly recurring pickups is scheduled out for us just like the maid service and pool cleaners.” –Jennifer B, avg. 1-2 bags per week


“As a single guy, I find an every other week rotation is perfect for me. I typically send my daily wear clothes, linens, bathroom and kitchen towels, and workout gear that I don’t want sitting in my hamper until I get around to washing it myself. ” – Jesse A, avg. 2 bags per month.


“I really like using it as a monthly get out of jail free card! That may not be conventional but it’s nice getting a head start on laundry every month to help me never fall too far behind. Too far may be the key word there. It’s inevitable that I’ll fall behind eventually but my 1st of the month pickup keeps me close to caught up.” – Susan P, avg. 1-2 bags per month.

Every Once in a While

“I started using Columbia Pike Laundry to help out my to-do list when we have stressful things on the horizon. It’s usually just before we have house guests in town, when my husband is traveling for work, or right before we are going on vacation. Now that I think of it, when we get back from vacation is by far my favorite time to order!” –Danielle P, avg. 5-6 bags per year.

Only Sheets & Towels

“I keep three sets of sheets and towels for each bedroom and bathroom. When I’m on my last batch, I’ll schedule an order to restock my sheet & towel stock at the house. I’d like to think it’s once a season but it’s probably closer to once every six-months. Oops!” – Erika W, avg. 4-5 bags per year.

Only Children’s Clothes

“With 3 children between the ages of 4 and 10 our laundry basket is rarely empty. My husband and I are able to manage our own clothes at home. So we just send the kids clothes along with sheets and towels for all beds. With our work hours, it’s a game changing service that I’m happy I found.” – Kevin Z, avg. 1 bag per month.